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Designing GradLink Website: Building Brand Awareness, Increasing User Engagement, and Establishing Credibility.

GradLink is a career development platform that helps job seekers find their dream job and advance their career in the right company.

Being a newcomer in the competitive job search market, GradLink had to overcome several challenges to establish itself as a prominent brand, attract users, and gain credibility in the eyes of its target audience. These challenges included competing against established players, creating brand awareness, and building trust with users who were already using other platforms.

The primary objective of the GradLink’s website was to create a strong online presence for the brand and increase user engagement by highlighting the unique features and benefits of the app. The primary goal of the website was to offer visitors a comprehensive overview of the app's capabilities and demonstrate how it could effectively aid them in their job search endeavors.

Figma File

The Objective

& Responsibilities

Research, strategise and design a website for GradLink, to help bring brand awareness to the brand, increase user engagement, and establish brand credibility.


UX Research

IA and Wireframes

Design System


UI/UX Designer responsible for the UX and UI parts of GradLink’s website from inception to delivery.

To effectively achieve the project's goals and ensure its success, I have divided the design process into three distinct phases: strategize, conceptualize, and design.

The Process

Competitive analysis, thorough understanding of target market, development of strong brand identity, and highlighting unique features.

During the initial stage of the project, my main objective was to gain a comprehensive understanding of GradLink's target audience, the problems that GradLink solves for them, and the most effective way to communicate these solutions through the website.

To accomplish this, I conducted extensive research on GradLink's business goals, KPIs, and performed a thorough competitive analysis to gain insight into how GradLink positioned itself in the market and how to best showcase its unique features.

This approach helped to establish a clear brand identity and tone of voice that resonates with GradLink's target audience while differentiating it from its competitors.


1st Stage

The collected insights were analyzed to prioritize information and identify key areas for improvement, based on user needs and goals.

Once the necessary insights were gathered during the strategy stage, the following crucial step involved analyzing and processing the collected information to gain a better understanding of the user's needs and goals. This helped to identify key areas for improvement and optimization, and allowed for the prioritization of information based on its importance and relevance to the target audience.

Subsequently, a clear and logical information architecture was developed for the website. This involved organizing related content and functionality into intuitive categories that were easily navigable for users. The information hierarchy was carefully defined to ensure that users could quickly and easily find what they were looking for on the website, and that they were able to accomplish their goals with ease.

This approach resulted in a website that was easy to use and understand, and provided a positive user experience for GradLink's target audience.


2nd Stage

Enhancing the user experience hinged on key design elements such as usability, accessibility, and visually engaging design.

The design solution that was developed placed a strong emphasis on making the website accessible and easy to navigate, while also having a modern and clean interface. Throughout the design process, special attention was given to ensure that color contrast and font sizes were appropriate for all users, with the goal of creating an inclusive experience.

To ensure that the design could be easily scaled and maintained, a comprehensive design system was created and documented. This system consisted of guidelines for various aspects of visual design, such as typography, color palette, and other key elements of the website’s interface. By establishing a set of design standards and guidelines, I was able to maintain a consistent visual language throughout the website, making it easy to implement future updates while maintaining overall visual coherence.


3rd Stage

Figma File

For those who are interested in the technical aspects of the project and would like to explore the design system and interactions, I invite you to take a look at the Figma file and live prototype.

Figma File &

Design System


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